Behaviour change for wildlife conservation


Session Overview

In this presentation from the 2020 GovComms Festival, Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Dr. Bo Pang and Dr. Patricia David from Griffith University discuss how they have used behaviour change theories and practices to help lead successful wildlife conservation campaigns.

Using four case studies, the team from Griffith University explains how their co-create communications process was utilised in changing the behaviour of pet owners to assist with wildlife conservation. These campaigns include teaching owners why their dogs should be on leads, helping cat owners understand that their cats can be trained, getting cars to slow down in areas with high populations of koalas and teaching owners how to teach their dogs to avoid attacking koalas.

Watching these case studies will help those within the communications industry understand that when it comes to wildlife conservation, you need to do more than just educate and enforce laws.

After watching this video, you will

  • Understand Social Marketing @ Griffith’s co-create communications process.
  • Learn how the team at Griffith University utilised this process when it came to wildlife conservation.
  • Know how to utilise social marketing as a tool for behaviour change campaigns.

Please note that this is a recording of a live presentation.