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Recently David presented at ComCAN, an event by the Department of Finance, that explores the communication challenges faced in the public sector and ways they can be solved.
Held quarterly, ComCAN is an opportunity for government communicators to network and work together to coordinate efforts in the communication space; this includes digital communication, social media and advancements in communication technology.
In this episode of GovComms we’re excited to share with you David’s presentation, providing you with the tools and information required to navigate government communications in the 21st century.
Want to learn more? Get in touch.
Don’t get me wrong, this is a big, high level, aspirational, critically important capability that is built in government so people can understand. They might not agree, they may not agree with what it is that you are attempting to explain to them, but that’s not the point, that’s to be resolved at the ballot box. People might not agree in the community, but if we have taken the time and the care and applied the right skill and knowledge and the right attitude to telling this story to the best of our ability, and we’ve got that message consistently in front of people so people understand the context and challenges that are seeking to be addressed by a particular poll program service or regulation, then that’s when we’re doing our job.