A global platform for government communicators from all over the world to meet, learn and share experiences in order to achieve better outcomes for citizens and stakeholders.

What is the GovComms Institute?

Our story

The GovComms Institute is a place for government communicators from all over the world to discuss their common purpose, common challenges and common opportunities. It allows us to examine best practice, solve problems and make connections. Our mission is to prepare government communicators to make the most of digital transformation. The GovComms Institute will focus on the unique challenges of communicating on behalf of government with citizens at a local, state, federal and multi-lateral levels. The GovComms Institute will explore how to build and sustain high performing government communication teams through bringing together media, content, stakeholder engagement, data science, behavioural science and technology skills in a single capability.

Effective communication is at the heart of public sector and policy success. The GovComms Institute is for anyone working in or with government who wants to improve their communication skills in order to make a bigger impact. From early career to experienced public servants, the GovComms Institute will meet your needs through research, education, case studies, training, webinars and forums.


Your invitation


Listen and watch thought leadership from the 2020 GovComms Festival here. Keep checking back to make sure you don’t miss a thing and sign up to our newsletter for updates.

Deliberative Democracy Done Differently

In this presentation from the 2020 GovComms Festival, Clare Murrell, from Capire Consulting Group, and Max Hardy, from Max Hardy Consulting, interactively discuss deliberative democracy and why it should be utilized more as a government process.


Social Marketing @ Griffith

We were pleased to have Griffith University partner with us to deliver 24 hours of educational content from award-winning researchers and experts in government communication. They covered a wide range of hot topics that can help improve government communication.

Social Marketing @ Griffith are committed to training professionals to build capacity and have developed a many free resources and events that can help you upskill. Check out their free resources and events to learn more.

The Road to Alignment

Alignment is about unity. It is ensuring that all your people are on the same page, working together, doing the right things, moving in the same direction, and have shared meaning.

In 2018, Zora Artis and Wayne Aspland undertook a global-first study exploring strategic alignment from a communications perspective. They found that many senior communication leaders agreed alignment is important to the success of their organisation’s goals and fulfilling purpose. However, in reality, many organisations were a long way from being aligned, and our leaders and communication professionals were holding them back. Rather than lamenting this, it as an exciting opportunity for the communication profession to create and drive value in organisations and society.

Since then we’ve experienced disruption on a scale never seen before. How has this impacted alignment and communications? Wayne Aspland and Zora Artis explored this question with 27 senior communication leaders across the globe and have created five principles of alignment for communication.

hours of content
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Areas of focus

The GovComms Institute is focused on leading practice in the following areas:

Enriching the evidence base for effective government and public sector communication practice.

Strategic communication, change management, behavioural science, stakeholder engagement, channel selection, measurement and evaluation.

How do governments create and distribute their stories in a multi-channel world?

Managing data, creating insights, learning lessons. How do we use feedback to continuously improve the way we communicate with citizens and stakeholders?

Machine Learning. Voice. Augmented Reality. What does the future look like and how can we harness its power?

Writing, video production, graphic design, social marketing, strategic communication, data analytics, stakeholder engagement, behavioural science, leadership, interpersonal and advanced communication skills, critical thinking. The GovComms Institute will deliver fit for purpose training for government communicators at all levels. 

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