Visual-Spatial Communication: Diagrams and Gestures


Session Overview

In this presentation, Professor Emerita of Psychology at Stanford University, Barbara Tversky, joins us from New York City to explain the importance of using graphics and gestures in communications.

Barbara explains that spatial thinking is the foundation of all thought. All thoughts begin as spatial thought. Space is the centre for survival and the basis for all knowledge. She goes on to explain that it is predominately graphics and gestures that fill these spaces in our minds.

Barbara shows examples of how people learn from graphics and gestures more quickly than they would from words. Following this she explains what constitutes an effective graphic in communications.

These research-driven visual-spatial communication techniques can be used by government communicators to help relay a message to the public in an effective way.

After watching this video, you will:

  • Understand how gestures and graphics can be used as cognitive tools.
  • Learn how gestures can help translate words and text into thought.
  • Know how to create a good graphic that will effectively get your message across to relevant parties.

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