Session Overview
In this video, Speechwriter Nicole Thomson-Pride, and Professor of Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity, Selena Bartlett discuss the role that government communicators need to play in rehumanising communication.
2020 has seen society change in unprecedented ways. With a US election, protests and a pandemic, people are using their ‘animal instincts’ more than ever, and are increasingly letting emotion drive their actions.
Finding out more about how our brains work will help us to learn more about this moment in time. To ensure that the public reacts to messaging in the way it was initially intended, and to learn more about their audiences, government communicators should take a keen interest in the work neuroscientists.
After watching this video, you will be able to:
- Understand the brain’s ‘reward and threat’ system and what this means for government communicators.
- Know how understanding neuroscience can help us bring people together.
- Learn what responsible messaging from governments and leaders sounds like as we head into 2021.